Because of the way it is worked, Tunisian crochet typically produces a
denser, thicker and sturdier texture than regular crochet or knitting. This can be seen as both a quality and a defect: an item created in Tunisian crochet is often more solid and robust than your average knitted or crocheted piece; Tunisian crochet is less see-through and its stitches hardly lose their original form. It can also be perceived as warmer than most handmade items. These very same characteristics are often the reason why crafters do not choose Tunisian crochet to create a summer item: they probably think that their creations would feel and look too heavy for the warmest seasons. But that's only a misconception!
choice of your hook size and type of yarn in Tunisian crochet is particularly important to produce lighter and softer items. It is always a
good idea in Tunisian crochet to choose a hook that is half a size or even a full size bigger
than what indicated on the yarn’s label, to produce a looser tension while working. For a summer item, consequently, by choosing a light yarn, bigger hook
size than indicated and possibly a mesh kind of pattern, you will obtain a
perfectly light and breezy result - like my summer top in cotton you see pictured above.
Also, Tunisian crochet tends to curl when working, especially at the edges (usually upper and lower edges), but this can by all means be avoided, or at least kept under control, by choosing the right hook size (going up half or a full hook size than what indicated on the yarn's label) and yarn according to the project. Also, keep in mind that some stitches have a
tendency to curl more than others, while some do not curl at all. Some people
like to start projects with a Foundation Row in Tunisian Extended Stitch (=
Tunisian Simple Stitch + chain 1), for example, in order to keep the edge flat
while working, regardless of the stitch they are going to use throughout the
project. Try these tips and find for yourself which one is the most comfortable
for you.
My popular spiral rug in Tunisian Simple Stitch is only an example of what I mean: the yarn I used for this project - a 50% wool-50% acrylic self-striping yarn by ICE Yarns called "Ambiente" - calls for a 6 mm hook, but I used a 7 mm hook instead. As you see, the texture looks dense enough, the rug does not curl, and I did not even have to block it afterwards.
Stay tuned for further lessons and tips on Tunisian crochet!
what weight of yarn do you use for the tunisian spiral rug
ReplyDeleteI love how this blog post explains that choosing a larger hook size can create lighter summer items with Tunisian Crochet.